We'll take your heart
This project is fairly special to me, as I both play a lot of
Persona 5, and a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. This project merges the two in what I feel is an accurate stylistic representation of the former and a workable version of the latter.
Persona 5, and a lot of Dungeons & Dragons. This project merges the two in what I feel is an accurate stylistic representation of the former and a workable version of the latter.

March 2019
This is a custom character sheet for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons utilizing the style of the triple AAA video game, Persona 5. I wanted a sheet which would not only utilize the style, but also highlight the elements I believe to be most important in a character sheet, while ignoring or low-lighting those I think are less important. One example being the equipment list at the bottom right, which allows a player to keep track of what equipment they have in each "slot". A player is only allowed a certain number of items per body part and only three items with attunement. It is busy, chaotic, and assertive, just like the Persona 5 as a whole.

March, 2019
The star which holds the 6 stats and modifiers is in the style of the persona 5 social stats, the differences being the addition of the dexterity icon and the 6th point to the star. The other mimic the menus, speech bubbles, and other user interface elements throughout the game, while also demonstrating an effective communication to the player and the DM. The logo was an attempt to recreate the D&D logo in the persona 5 style, The persona 5 logo mark (the one with the hat and mask) wasn't featured at all in this, as I don't feel its needed to communicate the utilitarian aspects of the sheet. I'm in love with this star pattern. In the video game, each star moves independently, scaling larger and smaller to each of their own rhythms. Here it just serves as a reminder of the game, even as a somewhat chaotic element even compared to the rest of the design.

Here are some of the many, many examples of the incredible style of Persona 5. I highly encourage enthusiasts of the design world, especially that of user interface design, to check out the Persona 5 Design Works.